When it comes to healthy habits, our nipples can often go overlooked.
We tend to focus more on overall breast health, but narrowing things down to the ways we treat our nipples is important, too. You'd be surprised by how many things people think are totally fine — or the types of issues folks just outright ignore.
I know I never thought about just how sensitive the area can be. I was even more baffled by the unexpected way they can affect your love life in #9! I mean, I obviously knew they could be part of the frisky equation — but never quite at that level.
Take a look to learn all of the things you should never ever do with your nipples, plus a few things you might be doing wrong without even realizing it.
And don't forget to SHARE the surprising information with your friends on Facebook!
Right Thumbnail Photo: YouTube / Nicole Skyes
1. Apply Tape Directly To The Area

Despite Kim Kardashian infamously claiming to have tried everything from duct tape to gaffer's tape to keep her chest supported in plunging necklines and backless couture dresses, it's probably not a good idea to follow her advice — at least not without placing a soft, cloth buffer between the tape and the sensitive area.
2. Use Alcohol-Based Cleansers

The glands in our areolas, the area surrounding our nipples, secrete much-needed moisture for the thin skin. Alcohol-based soaps and cleansers can dry this out and potentially cause the delicate skin to crack.
Be sure to double-check the ingredients of any bodywash before scrubbing them down.
3. Use Hair Removal Creams

You know what's worse than a few stray hairs poking out around your areolas? A painful rash or other severe irritation, which can easily occur by applying one of the various hair removal products to the thin-skinned area.
4. Use Any Type Of Wax

Even using a cold sugar wax can seriously damage the skin around your nipples with painful irritation.
The cold, hard fact is that pretty much everyone has these annoying hairs sprouting around the areola. Gentle plucking is an option — as long as you are very careful — but investing in pricey laser removal by a highly trained professional is, unfortunately, the safest and most permanent solution.
5. Get A Piercing

If your heart is set on the metallic chest accessory, at least make sure you're going to an establishment that really, really knows what they're doing.
Even in the most sterile conditions, the likelihood of infection is high. It takes anywhere from two to six months for the piercing to fully heal — sometimes even longer for women.
6. Rinse With Witch Hazel

Some mothers swear by this herbal toner as a way of helping soothe swelling while breastfeeding their little ones.
Using it on your nipples on a regular basis, however, can restrict the natural tissue and blood flow, according to WebMD.
7. Run Long Distance Without Protection

Men and women can both suffer from friction while exercising for long periods of time. Sweaty shirts and sports bras rubbing against your skin can even cause them to bleed.
Use a thick coat of petroleum jelly before any extended exertion — like running a marathon.
8. Ignore Subtle Changes

Spotting a small change can be completely harmless. Unfortunately, according to the American Cancer Society, noticing one of the following subtle changes can be a signal for breast cancer:
- swelling in all or part of the area
- dimpling
- nipple retraction
- scabs and redness
- discharge other than breastmilk
9. Forget About Them While Getting Frisky

A 2011 study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that for some women, stimulation of the nipple on its own could be enough for them to reach climax, either alone or with their partner.
10. Use Warming Or Cooling Lubricants

You still need to be careful while under the covers, however. According to experts at Astroglide, one of the most popular brand for personal lubricants, it's a good idea to test any of these products on your forearm before applying them to much more sensitive areas.
This is especially recommended for the products that use heating and cooling sensations.
Did you know all of these nipple no-no's?
Be sure to SHARE the important tips with your friends on Facebook!