10 Things You Should Never Do To Your Butt

Your behind: what is there to say about it?

Butts can be quite the taboo topic.

But keeping your butt healthy on the outside and the inside is really important to your overall health too. You really don't want to ignore anything that's going wrong with your behind.

These are 10 things that you should never do to your behind under any circumstances. Talking about going "number two" can make people uncomfortable, but it's important to keep yourself informed about all the workings of your body so that you know what to do when you are in pain or at risk of a deadly infection or disease.

Have you ever done any of these things to your rear end? If you are guilty, it's never too late to do a total 180 and change your poor butt etiquette.

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1. Use Scented Wipes

Flickr / Bev Sykes

Wet butt wipes for adults have grown in popularity in recent years, despite there being no real health benefits to using them. There could, however, be a problem with using scented, medicated, or chemical-laden wipes.

Your skin may get itchy and irritated with the added ingredients, according to Women's Health. Opt for unscented and unmedicated wipes, if this is the wiping method that leaves you feeling the freshest.

2. Ignore Stubborn Pimples

Flickr / Iqbal Osman

Pimples or pimple-like bumps on your butt are usually nothing to worry about and will go away, but they are technically different from the pimples you get on your face, back, shoulders, or chest. Butt pimples are not considered acne, according to Everyday Health.

You most likely have a little case of folliculitis, which is essentially an irritated hair follicle. Carbuncles, however, are clusters of boils deeper underneath the skin, and may need a round of oral antibiotics. Don't ignore a painful pimple!

3. Wipe Back To Front


We've all heard this, but really, don't do it! You run the risk of getting an annoying, painful, and possibly life-threatening UTI if you contaminate your urethra with "number two."

4. Let Stress Become A Literal Pain In The Behind

Wikimedia Commons / Wellcome Images

Psoriasis can and does occur on the butt, causing painful itching and irritation. One of the causes of psoriasis is, you guessed it, stress.

Other causes, according to Medical News Daily, are cold weather, infection, excessive alcohol consumption, or reactions to medication. Make sure you make an appointment with your doctor to find out which treatment plan is best for you.

5. Push Too Hard

Wikimedia Commons / Doug Coldwell

If you try too hard to go "number two" when it's just not in the cards, you could give yourself hemorrhoids, or tears on the anus. These, in turn, can get infected, on top of being uncomfortable.

Let nature take the wheel when it comes to bowel movements and don't force them.

6. Wipe Too Roughly

Free Stock Photos / anyjazz65

Wiping too hard is another great (read: terrible) way to give yourself anal tearing. If it takes more than a couple laps with the TP, you may want to switch to those unscented wet wipes to reduce friction.

7. Sit On The Potty Too Long

Flickr / thejbird

Once again, you put yourself at risk of hemorrhoids when you sit on the toilet for too long and strain the veins near your anus. Don't do your reading on the toilet! Poop or get off the pot, as they say.

8. Assume It's Hemorrhoids

Wikimedia Commons / Munna guri

I know, most of what was just said had to do with avoiding hemorrhoids, but even if you're sure that this is the problem at hand, you should still get checked by a doctor. Itching, bleeding, and the presence of a small lump are signs of hemorrhoids, yes, but they can also be a sign of cancer, according to the American Cancer Society.

It's always better to be safe rather than sorry, and this is something you definitely don't want to be sorry about. The earlier you catch colon cancer, the greater chance you have of beating it and even curing it completely.

9. Eat An Unhealthy Diet

Wikimedia Commons / BrokenSphere

Yes, this does affect your butt, as what goes in must come out. When you don't eat enough fiber, you may find yourself constipated and straining to go. An unbalanced, unhealthy diet can also cause painful diarrhea, which is no good either.

Just make sure you're getting your daily recommended fruits, vegetables, healthy fats, fiber, and vitamins to keep your bowels happy.

10. Feel Shame About It

Flickr / timlewisnm

Cellulite, dimples, and jiggle are all normal for butts. They are, after all, made of fat! Don't ever frown upon your beautiful behind, no matter what it looks like. Take pride in what you've got!

Will you be treating your booty differently now? Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!