Even if you aren't currently perusing the real estate market for a new house (or building your very own), it's often fun to look through listings and see how the rest of the world lives.
It's especially awesome if you end up finding a totally weird or outlandish listing that you can then share and mock with all of your friends. Think crazy ugly colors, gaudy paintings, dead dogs, and just plain awful, awful design that would make your mother weep (unless, of course, she's a big fan of kitsch herself).
Here are some of our favorite, nightmarish real estate market finds that are sorely in need of a gut renovation and plenty of redecoration.
You won't believe people actually posted photos of these places, or that they even exist all. I can practically hear "Mad World" playing as I scroll through these haunting photos.
We found these great photos on Lovely Listing, so thanks to them for braving the depths of the Internet (and Craigslist) for these spooky finds.
Please SHARE these insane and HILARIOUS real estate listings with everyone you know!
1. "Yeah it's down past the Walgreens and looks like a gigantic hallucination from the darkest recesses of your mind. You can't miss it!"

2. Sometimes all your space needs is a giant plastic pig with a demonic smile.

3. Terrifying wax figure piano player (and his puppet apprentice) included.

4. The dead dog really adds to the comfy ambiance, don't you think?

5. Take a soak in the tub while enjoying afternoon tea with the Joneses.

6. Pepto Bismal pink walls and a fireless fireplace? I'll take it!

7. Sweet dreams, kids.

8. Dolls that provide constant toilet companionship. Always watching, always waiting...

9. Jungle boogie!

10. You'll never really be alone in here.

11. So cheerful you could just puke.

12. How can anyone ever be mad when there's so much plaid? It's like a pre-made picnic kitchen!

13. A true one-room studio...

14. The very worst of the '70s.

15. Hey there, neighbor!

16. "You don't mind spending the night in the basement, do you?"

17. A charming kitchenette.

18. A very Russian tearoom.

19. For those of us on-the-go.

20. Terrifying. Simply terrifying.

21. Life is but a dream...

22. Just imagine the dinner parties!

23. Gumballs not included.

24. A bathroom that isn't sure what it's trying to be.

25. Life's a beach.

26. High, open ceiling plan!

27. Dual-action plumbing.

28. For those with a good pedigree.

29. Chestnuts roasting on an open wood floor...

30. Camouflage your tub.

Trust me, it gets even WEIRDER…