Phoenix Police Officer Reunites With The Horse He Saved

A Phoenix police officer proved that he's willing to protect animals just as much as humans.

Officer Joe Trujillo went above and beyond to make sure a horse named Apache was in good hands after his previous owner wasn't able to properly take care of him.

It's a heartwarming gesture that adds to the list of animal-loving police officers. Who could forget about the time San Francisco police officers rescued a stranded sea lion pup in distress or the time an Oklahoma cop made sure an owl with a broken wing got the chance to fly again?

The officer brought the horse to Arizona American Saddlebred Rescue, where the horse is being treated in hopes that he can be adopted.

In the ABC 15 video below, we see Officer Trujillo reunite with the horse two months after the rescue, and his admiration for the horse is evident.

Officer Trujillo also credits his love for animals as the reason why he wanted to ensure this horse had a happy future.

"I love every animal," he told the news station. "I consider myself a protector of them, I always have."

Watch below and please SHARE to commend the officer for saving this helpless horse!