People, especially kids, can sort of miss the point of the holidays. It's hard to blame them when we're bombarded by advertisements boasting the latest devices or video games. Then at school, there's always the inevitable one-upping competition to see who got the best and most expensive gifts. But one thing I've learned is that people, especially kids, can surprise you when it really comes down to it. Things are often not exactly what they seem.
UPTV decided to find out what was most important to kids, so they went down to the Metro Atlanta Boys and Girls Club where 83 percent of the children come from low-income families that usually can't afford any Christmas gifts at all. Then they presented them with one really difficult decision. Each kid was given exactly the present that they wanted for Christmas, and then were given the choice of either keeping it or giving the gift back and then giving mom and dad what they wanted instead. It was unanimous, every single kid chose to give their parents the present. Their reasons were pretty incredible.
"LEGOs don't matter," one boy said. "You're family matters, not LEGOs, not toys. It's either your family or LEGOs and I choose family." Every single kid knew that their parents were working hard and selflessly for them. It's the kind of appreciation that many mothers and fathers don't hear expressed too often. But there's more, see how these compassionate kids are surprised in the video!
Please SHARE this video, if you know you would have made the same choice.