Brown paper bags. They are quite possibly the least interesting things in the world, but they do a great job holding our lunches and make wonderful DIY hand puppets. However, that's not what was in this paper at a museum in Scotland. I never thought a brown paper bag could contain something so amazing — until now.
A couple of curators at the National Museum of Scotland became increasingly curious when they spotted a special paper bag one day. The crumpled brown lump had been sitting on a shelf in the building for about 70 years, but nobody had ever taken a peek inside. Once the curators got a hold of it, everything changed.
In the video below, posted on March 31, 2017, a pair of hands boasting bright purple gloves take a rolled-up piece of material from the inside of the paper bag. The material has to be rehydrated in order for the staff to maintain the pristine condition of whatever the item is.
Well, good thing they're careful with the material because they soon learn they are in the midst of a bombshell discovery.
As they unravel the cloth, the museum staff begins to see what looks like a mummy shroud from ancient Egypt. They are floored by the discovery and can't believe this piece of history had been sitting in a crumpled paper bag for 70 years, right under their noses.
To add to the incredible find, they soon learn that the mummy shroud is over 2,000 years old!
I can guarantee you that this is the most interesting paper bag anyone has ever seen. Now it can be shared with the world.
To see the shocking mummy shroud, check out the video below and please SHARE if you're glad the curators finally looked inside the old paper bag!