Do you ever feel like you're an old soul or that you were born in the wrong time? Some folks believe that these may be signs that you have past lives!
It's human nature to question our existence and our presence on the planet. Over the millennia, different groups have come to a vast range of conclusions about why we're here and where we're going.
Some traditions believe in an afterlife (like heaven), while many others believe in some form of reincarnation. There are even belief systems that combine the two concepts!
No matter what you personally believe, it's almost impossible not to be intrigued by the idea of reincarnation, or past lives. The idea is that, after death, your soul is "reborn" in a new body.
Some people, particularly children, have incredibly strong memories of a past existence, while others might just have a nagging sense of déjà vu. No matter what, it's intriguing to think about the possibility that you lived another life before this one.
Scroll through below to learn a few of the fascinating signs that you may have a past life (or many!) under your belt.
Sign #1: You Have The Same Dreams Over And Over
Night after night, you go to sleep and dream the same thing. You're running through a forest in a part of the world you've never visited, or you're dancing at Versailles in the year 1790.
Intellectually, you know the dream doesn't have anything to do with your everyday life, but you can't shake the feeling that it's somehow meaningful.
Some people theorize that it's your brain's way of processing events that happened in a previous existence, and holding on to those moments that were most meaningful.
Sign #2: You’re Drawn To A Certain Time Period
You might live in the 21st century, but you're passionately interested in a totally different time period. You often feel like you were "born in the wrong century."
Every movie you watch or book you leaf through is about Victorian or Elizabethan England, or even ancient Egypt.
You can't quite pinpoint why, but the events and trends of that time period somehow feel more real to you than the experiences of your day-to-day life.
Deep down inside, you wonder if maybe there's a reason that a long-ago time period resonates with you so strongly.
Sign #3: You Have A Bizarre, Irrational Fear
An irrational fear is any phobia that seems inexplicable or far-fetched.
Maybe you're terrified of the ocean, even though you live far from the coast, or you have a fear of birds or butterflies that seems totally unfounded.
It's possible that your intense fear has no bearing on this reality, but relates closely to something you experienced in a previous existence.
If you were attacked by a bird in a previous life, or had a scary experience in the ocean, it might have left a strong enough imprint to follow you into your next incarnation.
Sign #4: You Experience Déjà Vu All The Time
Déjà vu is a common sensory experience defined by Merriam-Webster as "the illusion of remembering scenes and events when experienced for the first time," as well as "a feeling that one has seen or heard something before."
If you experience déjà vu with alarming intensity and frequency, it's possible that everyday experiences in your present life are triggering deeply buried memories of a previous existence.
Sign #5: You Know Things Without Knowing Why
You have always been intuitive, and seem to have an uncanny knack for just "knowing things" without being able to explain why.
You have an instinct for finishing others' sentences, always know when the phone is about to ring, and often surprise strangers by knowing or guessing their name right off the bat.
Why are you so attuned to the world around you? It may be because you have already met these people and had these experiences previously.
Sign #6: You Have Memories That Don’t "Fit"
Think back to your early childhood, when memories are foggy and confusing. Are there some pieces that don't quite fit?
Children are sometimes better at catching this sign in action, and will insist to their parents that they went to visit a friend who doesn't exist, or experienced an event that happened long before they were born.
As adults, it's easy for these memories to fade, but you may still cling to a few fragments of recollection connected to an earlier life.
Sign #7: You Have A Soul Mate
When you and your partner first locked eyes, was it love at first sight? If you fell head over heels for your person straightaway, it's possible that you two knew each other in another life.
This might ring especially true for people who had a quick courtship, followed by a long life together.
Maybe it took you just a few weeks or months to feel like you had known this person your entire life, and then many years and decades afterwards enjoying the bliss of that companionship.
People who have found their soul mates might simply be picking up where a previous relationship, in a different lifetime, left off.
Sign #8: You Have Phantom Aches And Pains
Your knee aches when it rains, even though you've never injured it. You have a mysterious scar or birthmark, or a regular stabbing pain that radiates in your neck.
All of these are signs that you might be carrying a phantom injury from a previous existence into your current life.
While you should always get unexplained medical symptoms checked out by a doctor, some people suffer from ailments with no medical explanation.
In these cases, you may be able to simply chalk up the discomfort to something experienced in an earlier incarnation.
What do you think, are past lives real?
Let us know in the comments if you think you may have experienced a past life, and don't forget to SHARE these chilling signs with friends and family!