Patriot Guard Escorts Fallen Marine’s Body All The Way Home

Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Jonathan Turner was on his seventh tour of duty when he received injuries that ended his 20 year military career. Serving in both Iraq and Afghanistan, he has proved himself time and time again; but those battle-injuries he received slowly brought him down. Though he tried his best to fight, eventually those wounds took the life of this amazing man.

His family, unable to attend his funeral across the country, was heartbroken at the loss. Turner's remains were cremated and his ashes were going to be shipped back to his family via a FedEx box. But, just as his cremated remains were about to be shipped in the small box, Turner's friends and brothers of the Patriot Guard stepped in and refused to allow such an honorable man to be tossed around in such a manner.

In a beautiful and final road trip for the ages, different branches of the Patriot Guard teamed up to pass Turner's remains from state to state. This man earned the ceremony and respect that any fallen Marine deserves, and when they pass his body from state to state, it's a truly somber moment that will remain in the hearts of these men for the rest of their lives.

Watch the video below and feel your heart fill up with thankfulness as the amazing men and women of the Patriot Guard show off to the world just how seriously they take this important matter. When so many Americans look away and ignore the importance of respect, these true patriots will happily donate their time and effort in honoring our nation's finest fallen heroes.

God bless the Patriot Guard, Jonathan Turner and his family, and the United States!

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