Beautiful Peacock Spider Does A Mating Dance To The Village People’s ‘YMCA’

When you think of things of beauty out there in nature, you probably don't think of this little guy.

You'll think of wild stallions galloping through lush, green valleys, or dolphins leaping out of the ocean in front of a beautiful, watercolor sunset.

This creature is named after one of the most beautiful and colorful animals out there: the peacock.

The bird is known for his rich jewel-toned feathers that have an iridescent glow in the sunshine. They're used to attract a mate when the male unfurls them in an impressive display and does a little dance.

The peacock spider? He does almost the same exact thing.

Bright, iridescent colors adorn the males' backs, and when they see a potential mate? They do the exact same thing a peacock does.

You wouldn't normally think that a spider could be gorgeous or cute. But this little guy? I think he's a healthy dose of both! What helps, though, is the music that this guy's dance is set to.

You'll recognize it as soon as the video starts. I can guarantee you that this will put a huge smile on your face. It gave me a good belly laugh, that's for sure!

Just watch his little arms move to the beat of this catchy classic tune. You'll definitely want to put on your dancing shoes and costume, too!

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