Of all the foods that you have ever eaten, chances are that the one that you hate preparing the most is pineapple. Thankfully, stores have begun to sell pre-cut pineapple for those of us who don't want to deal with the sticky mess at home. On top of being syrupy, the fruit isn't friendly to one's hands. It's covered in a rough and slightly prickly rind, and don't even bother trying to grab its stem!
Although I love the fruit and eat it as often I can, I'm daunted by the task of cutting it open. Over the years, I've tried to find a hassle-free way to prepare it, but with no luck. Lo and behold, all I had to do was watch street vendors. These men and women seem to have the secret to effortlessly cutting pineapple in just a few seconds!
Unfortunately, it's rare to find these vendors in Western countries, but in places where pineapple naturally grows, they are as common as hot dog vendors in New York City. Luckily, we have footage of the way one man chose to show off his genius method for perfectly cut pineapple. And after watching this video, I'm ready to try his way at home.
A word of caution, though: We always encourage safety when using knives, and it's not advised to use these techniques unless you are skilled enough.
Now watch the clip to closely observe how he slices off both ends of the fruit, and proceeds with a series of cuts…
Please SHARE if you never thought cutting pineapple could be so easy and fast!