This little piggy went to market. This little piggy stayed home. This little piggy walked on a frozen sidewalk and slid weee, weee, weee all the way home!
Despite their reputation as being filthy, pigs are some of the coolest (and cutest) animals on the planet! Not only do they make great farm animals, but in recent years it has also become in vogue to own the little pot-bellied variety like one might one a tiny dog.
The domesticated black-and-white pig in this video decided to take a stroll on a cold, rainy day, but someone should have given the poor guy an umbrella and some boots! Watch as the pig starts to slip on the frozen sidewalk, scurry to try to balance himself, and then proceed to slide all the way down the sidewalk where his owner promises to save him.
It's a funny video, but it's also a good reminder that pigs and ice don't mix too well. Stick to the grass and dirt, little piggy!
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