They Looked Into The Polar Bear Enclosure And Were STUNNED — Can You Believe This?!

Polar bears are considered incredibly smart — and, of course, incredibly cute — animals (just check out the way this polar bear interacts with a bunch of sled dogs!), and they have a delightfully playful side to them, as well! For instance, the polar bear in the below video, named Milk, lives at the Kushiro Zoo in Japan and has stolen hearts from all around the world (something polar bears seem to be good at doing these days) and is running off with them. In this footage, she shows off her impressive talents for all the world to see.

In the video, two-year-old Milk has all sorts of fun with her toys (a big, yellow ball and two plastic tubes). She dives with them, flips them in the air, stacks them (on her own head at that!), and buries them in the enclosure's snow banks. If you didn’t know any better, you might think Milk was rehearsing for a zoo-wide talent show!

Polar bears are well-known for their curious and playful nature, and Milk is definitely no exception. But she does have one exceptional talent: While it’s unusual for bears to stay on their hind feet for 10 or 15 steps, Milk seems to have no trouble doing so. I wouldn’t be surprised if Milk was showing off in hopes of being seen by a talent scout and signing a huge Hollywood contract with her talents. The kid's got potential!

Check out the video below to see all of Milk's adorable-ness, and please SHARE this happy-go-lucky polar bear with your friends to give them a smile!