Group Of Loitering Kids Show Police Officer Respect

Far too often these days we've been hearing about violent clashes between police officers and citizens.

For whatever reasons, many people feel as if the police officers of our country are overly aggressive, and all of the cops are saying that they're just doing their jobs.

So when Sergeant Erickson of the Elgin Police Department in Elgin, IL started talking to a group of teenagers like this, it's no wonder why his video is going viral!

The teens were all hanging out in a parking lot, and the store owners had finally had enough of it and called the police to make sure the group drove away. While these kids weren't destroying anything, they were on private property; so when the cops showed up, a few of them brought out their smartphone cameras to record the action.

So Sergeant Erickson took a breath in and calmly stated, "I'm addressing you like adults because you are, and if you show me a little respect I would really appreciate it… I wanna be on the same team."

He spoke to everyone there like that because they were all giving him respect. With everyone having a cool head, the situation ended quickly and easily — and no one was arrested or even issued a ticket!

Not a lot of people get to see the sweet side of police because these stories aren't exciting enough to make the news. The policeman treated the teens with respect because the teens treated him with respect, which is what life is really all about!

Please SHARE this viral video if you think police officers are people and deserve our respect, too!