In these climactic times, when many people seem to be accusing our nation's brave police force of being "the bad guys," many political groups have even begun to attack individual cops' freedom of religion.
So when The Freedom From Religion Foundation recently sent a "cease and desist" letter to a Texas Police Chief, his response left a lot of people doubled over in laughter.
The police chief has no plans to remove the "offensive" statement, which is pasted on all of his police cruisers, and since he started doing it, other police forces from all around the country have started to follow suit.
Federal courts have nearly always chosen in favor of those displaying our nation's famous motto, citing that the First Amendment allows people to use the quote.
What do you think? Is this a clear violation of the "separation of church and state," or should our nation's embattled police be allowed to have their constitutional rights? Let us know in the comments!
And please check out the Chief's hilarious response below!
The four offensive words which have offended many can be found on any dollar bill: "In God We Trust."

God was brought into the motto on our currency in 1964 during the Cold War. So when a group of cops wanted to post the popular phrase onto their vehicles, they didn't think it would become a national issue.

Much to their surprise, several political groups began to attack the slogan, arguing that God has no place in the heart of a government official.

But the police have returned fire and are refusing to back down! In response to a letter from The Freedom From Religion Foundation, Police Chief Adrian Garcia responded...

"After carefully reading your letter I must deny your request in the removal of our Nations [sic] motto from our patrol units, and ask that you and the Freedom From Religion Foundation go fly a kite."

Now the word is spreading all across America to police departments everywhere. Check out the video below!
Please SHARE this story, and please let us know your opinion on this subject! Should cops be allowed to exercise their freedom of religion? Let us know in the comments below!