Summer is here, and I am so ready to relax in the swimming pool. I've got my bathing suit and my sunscreen and I'm good to go.
The only thing I need to complete my perfect summer day is an ice-cold drink. I've already tried making a floating cooler out of pool noodles, but I think this new idea is even better. When I saw this amazing, easy-to-make floating drink koozie, which is perfect for a cup of homemade sangria, I absolutely lost it!
For less than $2, this brilliant do-it-yourself cup holder that one user shared on Instructables keeps your drink cold and floats alongside you in the pool. I can enjoy a cold soda, a beer, or even a fun cocktail. All I needed was a pool noodle, a full soda can, four popsicle sticks, a pencil, a knife, and some glue. I didn't even have to spend the $2 because I already had everything lying around my house.
Summer is even better now that I can chill out in the pool with a delicious drink floating by my side.
Please SHARE this inexpensive, easy-to-make floating drink holder with your friends to make their summer even better.
Start your easy-to-make floating drink holder with a pool noodle, a full soda can, four popsicle sticks, a pencil, a knife, and a glue gun.

Mark out your drink can on the noodle with a two inch overlap. Then cut along the line you've made.

Take this short piece of noodle and trace the can along one end. Cut out your traced can shape and hollow out the middle of the noodle using your knife. Be careful not to cut through the sides!

Your drink should fit snugly in the hole you've just made!

Now cut another piece of noodle that is two can lengths long.

Take this new piece and slice it directly down the middle so you have two halves of this long piece.

Lay these two noodle halves side-by-side with the flat side down and the curved side up. Now take your drink holder from earlier and trace a circle in the middle of the two halves.

Use your knife to cut out this new circle.

Make sure your drink holder fits snugly in the new hole, and then take it out.

On the flat side of the noodle halves, use your glue gun to glue the popsicles sticks to the noodle to hold the two pieces together.

Fit your drink holder into the hole. If you have trouble getting it to stay, you can glue it in place.

And there you have it: Your floating drink holder is ready to go. Now pour yourself a drink and get in that pool!

Please SHARE this inexpensive, easy-to-make floating drink holder with your friends to make their summer even better.