Pope Kisses A Sick Baby, What Happened Next Is Amazing

The love that Lynn Cassidy has for her little daughter is truly wonderful to see, but sometimes even love can't heal all wounds. Her little girl, Ave, was born with Down syndrome, eye and ear problems, and two worrisome holes deep inside of her heart.

Back in Easter of 2014, the whole family planned a special trip to Rome so they could see Pope Francis in person. Just like the struggling family who prayed for his blessing, they were hoping for a miracle.

As the family watched the Pope drive by, Lynn's husband, Scott, felt the sudden urge to hold little Ave high into the air. The Pope stopped, and began to talk with the family. They explained that Ave had two holes in her heart, that's when Pope Francis placed his hand on the baby's chest and kissed her forehead.

When the family returned home, life seemed to go back to normal. But on Ave's next checkup, the doctors were stunned by what they saw: a true medical miracle! One of the holes was completely gone, and the other was half the size.

Lynn had only one thing she wished she could say to Pope Francis' face if she had the chance: "Thank you for spreading the word that all life is precious… Even life that seems like it might have struggles and issues like her. She is as precious as anyone else, we just thank you for spreading that message, because people need to hear that."

Do you think this was a medical miracle cured by a higher power? Let us know in the comments below!

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