There are some folks out there that you just know would be really great to hang out with over a cup of coffee, a plate of pasta, or a glass of wine (or three).
Rachael Ray is one of those people.
You can just tell that there wouldn't be any kind of awkward silence in a conversation with Rachael, and that she'd be able to pry out your funniest, most embarrassing stories with no judgment at all. You might think that you already know everything about her from watching her show, because she certainly doesn't put up any walls. But there is always more to learn, even about our very best friends!
The TV star was basically born to be in front of the camera, but she obviously had to work very hard to get to where she is now. Let me tell you, Rachael's path is one full of hard work, dedication, and determination. A keen business sense and affable personality always help, too.
Did you know any of these 10 things about Rachael Ray before?
Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook who you know would want to be friends with Rachael, too!
1. Her TV Career Essentially Started After Teaching A Class
While working at a gourmet food shop in Albany, New York, she got the bright idea to offer customers a cooking class that promised a prepared meal in 30 minutes or less. She took over the class when the shop couldn't afford to hire professional chefs, and thus 30 Minute Meals was conceived.
2. She Loves Burgers — A Lot
Rachael's favorite thing to eat for dinner is meat, specifically a good burger. Luckily for her, she's very good at coming up with delicious ways to prepare them!
3. She Doesn't Like To Measure
Rachael has admitted that she's not the best baker in the world because she doesn't have the patience to measure everything so precisely. Her strong suit lies more in intuition with flavors.
4. She Has Thrived Without Formal Training
In an interview with The New York Times, Rachael revealed that she has had no formal training for any job she's ever had. From her first jobs in department stores to her current big-time TV gigs, she learned it all on the fly.
"I'm completely unqualified for any job I've ever had," she said. This just goes to show you what perseverance and sheer talent can get you in life. Oh, and a good attitude — that may just be Rachael's biggest asset.
5. She Was A Cheerleader In High School
This one shouldn't really come as much of a surprise, since Rachael is just about the cheeriest person on TV (or otherwise). But, yes, Rachael cheered for her small-town high school in upstate New York.
6. Her Years Of Work Have Led To A Large Net Worth
Rachael's net worth, according to The Richest, is $75 million. Good for her! She deserves it after all of the hard work she's done over the years!
7. She Published Her First Book In 1998
Rachael published her first cookbook, 30 Minute Meals, which was inspired by her early food-shop days. This was the book that caught the attention of the Today Show and eventually landed her the big TV deal with Food Network. It really was the start of something great.
8. The Coffee Pot Gives Her Trouble
Rachael has admitted multiple times that she just can't seem to get a pot of coffee right, no matter how hard she tries. Hey, it can be tough to brew the perfect cup! We're all human, right?
9. She Absolutely Loves Pit Bulls
Her dog Izzy (or Isaboo) is a rescued pit bull. Rachael is absolutely in love — she's even said that her pooch is the kindest member of her entire family. Isn't that the case most of the time?
10. She Carries A Notebook Pretty Much Everywhere
Rachael always carries a notebook with her, even to the gym, in order to write down recipes. Apparently, the creative juices just never stop flowing.
Did you know any of this about the bright and bubbly Rachael Ray? Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!