Eye Language: How People Communicate With Just A Glance

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul.

I’m not sure I’d go that far, but science has proven time and again that the eyes can reveal volumes about what’s going on in our heads.

Body language experts have found that they can tell all sorts of things about you, just from how you use your eyes.

Just as we can make some guesses about how our pets are feeling based on body language, "eye language" reflects a lot of deeper meaning, without us ever realizing it.

It’s shocking how much information is in every little detail, from how big your pupils are to what kind of eye contact you make.

Next time you’re in a conversation, watch how your companion moves his or her eyes; the secrets you learn could give you a ton of information about how they think!

Check out our detailed guide below to learn all the little "tells" that might reveal what’s really going on behind those eyes!

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Steady Eye Contact

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

Making steady, consistent eye contact with regular, unhurried blinking is a good sign.

This kind of eye contact is a sign of honesty and trustworthiness, as well as good listening skills.

While intense eye contact can be a sign of anxiety or strain, eye contact that is is calm and steady is a great predictor of a truthful conversation.

Looking Down

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

Downcast eyes that avoid eye contact by looking at the floor are often an indicator of shame, and, possibly guilt.

This person feels bad or embarrassed about something, and they're too uncomfortable to make eye contact.

He or she may also feel sad about something, and may need coaxing to open up.

Glancing Up And To The Right

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

Glancing up and to the right during conversation is a classic liar's tell.

Someone who is being dishonest will almost always avoid eye contact by looking away from the person they're talking to.

The theory is that people who lie often look to the right, because the right side of the brain controls creativity and imagination, both key to coming up with a believable fib.

Looking To The Left

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

If your conversation companion seems to always be looking to the left, he or she might be busy trying to remember something specific.

It can also be a sign of reminiscence; this person may be having a nostalgic moment and picturing a favorite memory.

The reason for looking left? The left side of the brain is associated with memory and the past.

Looking Up Through Lashes

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

Remember Bashful, the dwarf from Snow White?

This kind of glance, up from under long lashes, is his signature look.

The movement is usually associated with feeling shy, and being too nervous to make eye contact.

For some people, it may also be a sign of flirtation.

Rolling Eyes

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

If you've ever been a teenager (or just know one), you're familiar with this look.

There's nothing subtle about rolling eyes; it's a distinct sign of irritation or disdain.

A more nuanced variation is a simple looking up and all the way to one side, without actually rolling the eyes.

Half-Squinting With An Arched Brow

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

Next time you're confused or quizzical about something, catch yourself and pay attention to how you're moving your eyes.

Chances are, you're raising one or both eyebrows, and squinting one eye.

This look can indicate a variety of emotions, but is often a sign that you're surprised, confused, or doubtful.

Dilated Pupils

Tayra Lucero for LittleThings

Dilated pupils are a subconscious sign that humans have probably exhibited for our entire history.

Sometimes, widening pupils are an automatic reflex, usually to a changing light source.

However, widening pupils are also a subtle sign of attraction; your body will instinctively communicate interest and attraction with dilated pupils.

If this guide to the hidden secrets of eye language is helpful, make sure to SHARE with friends and family!