As a parent, keeping your child safe and away from harm is a priority. But some parents fail to do so, resulting in life-threatening injuries, or even death.
These neglectful parents are brought to justice, and many of these children are saved, but not without the help of Good Samaritans who step in to ensure the well-being of the little ones.
One of these Good Samaritans is retired officer Steve Eckel. He may not be in uniform, but that isn't stopping him from responding when he hears the call of duty.
This call came in a parking lot, when he and another stranger noticed a baby girl crying in a car.
She was alone, and the windows were closed — she was clearly in danger.
The officer remembers the horrible details: The 4-month-old was screaming, crying, and reaching out. She was sweating profusely.
That's when Eckel's fatherly instincts kicked in. He remembered that he had a sledgehammer stowed in his car, and he didn't hesitate to use it to break one of the car's windows. The baby girl inside is now safe and sound — all thanks to his perfect timing!
More from LittleThings: Woman Gets Phone Call From The Biological Mom Of Her Kid Who 'Needs To Get Her Baby Back'
The mother of the child, who was away for a whopping 40 minutes, was arrested and charged — she will hopefully learn what terrible consequences her actions could have had.
Please SHARE if you know to never leave a child or a pet locked inside a car on a hot day!