Disabled Teenager Uses Her Mouth To Draw Incredibly Lifelike Sketches

Robaba Mohammadi, 16, was born with partial paralysis of her limbs. Mohammadi hasn’t let her condition stand in the way of her passion for drawing. In fact, her sketches have given her a lot of strength and determination to keep going.

Much like Zuly Sanguino’s inspirational paintings, Mohammadi’s sketches are telling of the extreme creativity residing within her.

In Afghanistan, disability is often seen as being paired with weakness. Before her creative pursuits, Mohammadi was extremely depressed and cried frequently.

But Robaba Mohammadi is anything but weak. Her artwork has paved the way for her art to speak volumes about how she feels living with such a life-changing condition. Mohammadi’s goal is to eventually hold her own art exhibition at the Aga Khan Musuem in Canada.

Her technique for sketching involves using her mouth to draw. It’s really quite impressive, watching her technique give life to such beautiful lifelike sketches.

Mohammadi has been sketching for over two years now and involves a drawing technique where she can use her mouth. There’s no telling how much time it must have taken to hone such skill and prowess in creating these beautiful drawings using that method, but it’s pretty impressive to say the least.

I wish I could draw as well as her.

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