Robin Williams will forever be known as one of the funniest and most talented performers in the history of American entertainment. Equal to the iconic names of "The Three Stooges" or Charlie Chaplin, this man's hilarious gags kept America laughing in some of her darkest hours.
But behind that laughter the funnyman hid a dark secret deep within the very depths of his troubled soul. Though you would never guess if from the outside, in a twist of fate this man, who was known for his humor, was also constantly battling severe depression and heartache. Tragically, this jester of the American people eventually succumbed under the weight of his own mind, so in one horrible moment he decided he was through with it and ripped that beautiful life away from the people who loved him so much.
Remembering his many talents and movies is one thing, but this multi-faceted man was also known to be an incredible philanthropist. His appreciation for the Army and for the men and women who serve overseas had always had a profound effect on him, so whenever he was asked to do a U.S.O performance he always jumped at the opportunity to show off his appreciation for our troops.
Please watch the dearly departed funnyman respecting and honoring our soldiers; if only all of Hollywood treated these brave warriors with the same respect as he did.
And please SHARE this touching tribute if you love our troops!