I Couldn’t BELIEVE How This Flip Book Ended! WOW!!

Sometimes, despite all their other shortcomings, men can be really creative. (Just kidding, guys!)

But really, I've seen some very creative romantic gestures out there! The internet is filled with them! Men who make custom roses, write amazing letters for 38 years, restore childhood memories…

But this romantic surprise really struck me! And, luckily for all you men reading this, it doesn't seem too hard to make a wonderful surprise like this! All you'll need is some paper, markers, glue, and, well, a little artistry! But you don't have to be Michelangelo to make your sweetie smile! I'm sure she wouldn't mind stick-figures, so long as they came from your heart.

I think what I love most about this gift is its simplicity. It clearly didn't cost a lot of money, but it was done with a lot of love and care. And isn't that really what romance is all about?

Please SHARE if you thought this was a beautiful surprise!