As we near the end of summer, parents are preparing for their kids to go back to school. And as if parents don't already have enough to worry about, here comes a terrifying danger of which both kids and parents alike should be aware.
An Inside Edition investigation found 31 cases of children who've been dragged by their school buses. In the past decade, two children have died as a result.
In one incident in Kentucky, horrifying surveillance footage shows a first grader being dragged from a school bus. The driver was completely unaware of the emergency at hand.
In another incident, a 6-year-old girl in North Carolina dangled off the bus for nearly a mile when her arm got caught in the school bus door. With all the noise and commotion going on inside the bus, the 78-year-old driver was totally clueless. Other than her pants and sneakers getting shredded along the concrete, the little girl miraculously escaped with no injuries.
The same thing also happened to Keah Cuatle's 6-year-old daughter Maddy, who got trapped while getting off her school bus in Indianapolis. "I could literally see her being dragged underneath the bus," she said.
When passengers step on or off the bus, drivers have to turn their heads to press the electronic door switch. This means they look away from the door. Also, buses do not have built-in sensors to prevent riders from trapping limbs or belongings in the door.
In the video below — with her parents' permission, and under the supervision of experts — an 8-year-old girl named Julia is loaded onto a bus full of loud, noisy kids. Watch what happens when close the doors on her backpack. Truly frightening.
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