Police Officers Prove The Importance Of Seat Belt Safety With Special Test

It's one of the first things we're taught when learning to drive: "Always wear your seat belt!"

Yet, seat belt safety still escapes many drivers similarly to the dangers of texting and driving.

While studies show that proper use of a seat belt can decrease the risk of injury and death by 50 percent, millions of drivers, as well as passengers, do not wear one on the road.

That's why the Connecticut State Police and the University of Hartford Department of Public Safety teamed up to show students the impact of a 5 mph car accident using "The Convincer."

The machine almost resembles an amusement park ride as it jolts forward, but it doesn't produce the same type of reaction from riders. Every student who attempts the educational tool appears shaken up afterwards. Just listen to what one student says at the 2:10 mark.

"We are trying to inform people who may not be aware of the benefit of seat belts," Sgt. Troy Anderson explains, later adding, "I know that the folks that are riding this and the ones that are witnessing what's happening here today are walking away with a much richer appreciation of safety and the inherent benefit to wearing seat belts.

Watch the video below and please SHARE to encourage everyone to wear their seat belts!