Applying for jobs is extraordinarily stressful. You put yourself completely out there, only to face rejection time and time again.
If you're lucky enough to get an interview, you have to think about everything from what you're wearing to what you want to say, and even how you shake the interviewer's hand.
Needless to say, it's pretty exciting if a job interview goes well.
After Taylor Byrnes had a successful job interview in the spring of 2017, she followed up with an email posing a few questions she'd forgotten to ask.
Taylor had applied for a position at a Canadian food delivery service. She emailed the interviewer after her meeting to ask about the salary and benefits, assuming it was just a normal question to ask.
She was then stunned to see that instead of responding, they canceled her second interview because of the simple question.
Photos: Max PixelTwitter / feministjourney
[H/T: PopSugar]
After interviewing for a job with a food delivery service company, Taylor Byrnes followed up to ask a few questions.
When she got a response, she was stunned to see that her second interview was canceled.

Taylor's email read:
I had another question that I wanted to ask you. If I do end up filling this position, how much do you think I’ll be getting paid an hour?
Benefits will also be included, right? Sorry, I just thought I should ask now. Thanks for your time and have a lovely day.

Since many jobs list compensation in the initial posting, Taylor probably assumed it was no big deal to ask how much she'd be getting paid.
Unfortunately, the interviewer apparently had a problem with her question and canceled her next interview.

The interviewer responded:
Your questions reveal that your priorities are not in sync with those of SkipTheDishes.
At this time we will not be following through with our meeting this Thursday.

Victoria sent another email, further explaining the canceled interview:
Your questions are valid ones and we would like to clarify where we may have not communicated our position clearly.
As a startup company, we seek out those who go out of their way to seek out challenges and new opportunities.

We believe in hard work and perseverance in pursuit of company goals as opposed to focusing on compensation.
Our corporate culture may be unique in this way, but it is paramount that staff display intrinsic motivation and are proven self-starters.
For these reasons, questions about compensation and benefits at such an early stage is a concern related to organizational fit.
After Taylor tweeted about the interaction, people everywhere were outraged on her behalf.
One person wrote: "Sounds like the kind of company you don't want to work for anyway. They are looking for a one-sided employment relationship. Probably looking for someone ok with 'experience' in place of income. SMH."
Eventually, the company's co-founder got wind of Taylor's situation and responded to her in a Facebook message.
They explained that the email Taylor received canceling her interview was not representative of the company's team values.
In another tweet, the company explained that they do, in fact, share compensation information with potential employees, and that it is entirely acceptable to ask about payment after an interview.

Would you have been as shocked as Taylor if you were in her shoes?
Please SHARE this article with your friends if you're stunned by the interviewer's initial response!