Senior Holds Graduation Ceremony For His Mom In The Hospital

Graduating from high school is an important milestone in anyone's life. It's a day usually celebrated with those closest to the graduate. Yet, it can also be a bittersweet moment for those whose loved ones aren't able to physically watch them walk in their cap and gown.

Whether it's because the graduates have a family member in the military, or a sick loved one who isn't strong enough to make it to the ceremony, situations like these are never easy.

That's why a Mississippi senior named Dakota Keenan wanted to make sure his mother was able to partake in the moment no matter what.

His mom, Colleen Waddell, had been battling colon cancer since 2009. Due to her condition worsening, Keenan's school held diploma day earlier than expected. The graduate, who finished with top honors and a 4.0 GPA, showed up to the hospital in his cap and gown making his mama proud. Much like the time a graduate who surprised her grandma in the hospital, it's simply unforgettable.

"It was very emotional seeing that," Principal Shane Jones told Inside Edition. "I wanted them to have that moment together; they needed that."

His mother passed away four days later at the age of 42.

Watch below and please SHARE if you're glad they got to share this moment together.