12-Year-Old Blows Simon Cowell Away With Amazing Michael Jackson Cover

In the world of entertainment, there aren't many faces more intimidating than staring down at Simon Cowell's grimace.

That's because he has no problem with shutting someone down if he's not happy about what he hears. Of course, he's also been known to be wrong on some occasions, something he's not to keen to admit. That said, Simon has also taken the initiative to give certain performers a second chance when he thinks they simply picked the wrong tune.

In 2009, a then 12-year-old Shaheen Jafargholi found that out firsthand when the took a shot at Britain's Got Talent. Unfortunately, he was there the same year Susan Doyle happened to be competing, but the youngster wasn't even sure he'd pass the first audition.

After barely getting a start on his first song, a cover of Amy Winehouse's version of "Valeri," Simon raises his hand for the producers to cut the music.

Shaheen's mom Karen is clearly crushed on his behalf as she watches from the side of the stage and hears the judge tell her little boy that he "got this really wrong." However, Simon isn't just sending the kiddo home without a second chance. Instead, he asks Shaheen if he might have another song prepared.

Though clearly shaken by the sudden stop, Shaheen summons his strength to sing "Who's Loving You" by Michael Jackson.

Take a look to see the moment Simon's mind is definitely changed.

And don't forget to SHARE the amazing performance with your friends!