Shane Burcaw has been in a wheelchair since the age of 2. He was born with spinal muscular atrophy, a progressive neuromuscular disease that prevents him from walking and moving his limbs.
Shane essentially has no muscles. He has never walked and never properly developed into a full-grown man.
For a long time, Shane worried his physical limitations would prevent women from wanting to date him, or that he'd only get dates out of pity. Finding true love simply felt like a hopeless endeavor.
One day, a college student named Hannah Aylward found herself enthralled by a certain YouTube video. It was an interview with Shane, who was candidly answering questions about his disability.
Hannah is able-bodied and doesn't suffer from any of the health issues that Shane does. Inspired by his story, his wicked sense of humor and his charming personality, Hannah emailed Shane on a lark. The pair struck up a flirty online friendship; not only did they have a lot in common, but they could tell they also shared a physical attraction.
After a two-year long-distance relationship, Shane moved from Pennsylvania to Minneapolis and they've been together ever since.
There are still many people who see the couple together and have a hard time believing Hannah could truly love him. Whenever the pair ventures, it's not uncommon for outsiders to assume she's his sister or nurse.
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Shane and Hannah have started documenting their relationship on their own YouTube channel.
Spend just a couple minutes with these two and you'll see why they're completely changing the public perception of love and its limitations… or lack thereof.