Friendly Petting Zoo Sheep Hilariously Requests Back Scratches

Don't get me wrong, I love cats and dogs as much as the next person, but I feel like our farm animal buddies don't get enough of the affection they equally deserve. They're just as fluffy, sweet, majestic, and fun as our domesticated options, it's just a usually little harder to come by on a day-to-day basis unless, of course, you are a farmer. After all, there's no shortage of video proof that they know how to be just as adorable as any other pet!

Thankfully, there are also some awesome ranches and petting zoos available for you and your family to enjoy the precious animals up close! I remember begging to go to a horse ranch for my birthday in fifth grade, and it did not disappoint. The beautiful steeds were so impressive to see in person instead of just on my TV screen, and, if I close my eyes, I can still feel the wind in my hair when I finally got to ride one.

On the smaller end of the spectrum, this fuzzy sheep gave one family a memorable experience when they walked up to him at the petting zoo. Instead of begging for some oats or shying away, this old pro knows how to get exactly what he wants. And what does he want? Back scratches! Which totally makes sense; think about how itchy you get in your wool sweaters. Now imagine wearing one all year round! The way this cutie jerks his head to signal his request is just too funny.

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