Getting to the triple digits and being on this green earth for a whole century is an accomplishment that only a select group of people can boast that they've achieved.
That being said, human life expectancy has changed a lot over the years, particularly in the last century or so.
According to Our World Data, the average life expectancy in 1900 was only about 50 years old.
Today, the average life expectancy in the U.S. is 76 for men, and 81 for women, and it's far from unheard of for someone to live to 100 years old thanks to medical technology and a general improvement in the quality of life.
Just take these twin sisters who lived to be 100, or this grandpa who still shovels snow even though he is also 100, as proof.
So, how can you tell if you're going to live until you're 100 years old? Here are some promising signs to be on the look out for that you could live to be a centenarian.
Thumbnail Photo: YouTube / USA Today
1. You Think You're Younger Than You Are

They say that age ain't nothing but a number, and there is some truth to the statement.
As you get older, it matters more how old you feel than how old you actually are. If you find yourself wanting to answer the question, "How old are you?" with a younger age than your real one, it's a good sign that you're going to live for a very long time.
In fact, CBS reports a study at the University College London found that senior citizens who reported feeling younger than their true age had a significantly lower mortality rate than those who felt their age or older.
2. You're Optimistic

Living a long time can have just as much to do with what's going on in your head as it does your body.
According to CBS News, a Harvard study revealed that the top 25 percent of the most optimistic members of the study were at a much lower risk for common causes of death like cancer, heart disease and stroke.
3. You Eat Fruit And Veggies

This is not the first time you've been told to eat your veggies, but again, there is some evidence to support the difference that this can make to your life expectancy.
CNN reported on a study done by the Imperial College in London which found that eating ten portions of fruits and vegetables a day could prevent 7.8 million premature deaths around the world.
If ten sounds like a lot of servings, they say that five portions is a good start.
4. You Eat A Lot Of Fish

Some people don't like seafood, but studies suggest those who do tend to live longer lives thanks to Omega-3 fatty acid.
TIME describes a study that took place over 16 years which found that participants who had higher levels of fatty acids from fish were at a 35 percent lower risk of heart disease thanks to less fat in their blood.
5. You Like To Take Naps

Naps are the kind of thing most of us wish that we had enough time to do. However, it could have major health benefits that make finding the time worth it.
Readers Digest explains that Harvard studied residents on the small Greek island of Ikaria because it has such a high population of people who live to 100.
They found that an afternoon nap that is part of their culture is likely the key to their long lives. In fact, researchers found that people who took a 30 minute nap during the day are 37% less likely to die from heart disease than those who don't.
6. You're Active

Sure, you may not be quite as in shape as you were in your prime, but that doesn't mean you can't be active.
Exercise, even light exercise is an important part of any healthy routine.
Men's Health even says that just 10 minutes of exercise a day can help extend your life by 1.8 years.
7. You're Slim Where It Matters

Maintaining your figure becomes more difficult as you get older.
While no one should put pressure on themselves to fit into anything they could in their 20s, your waist measurement has a lot to do with your heart health according to the Heart Foundation.
They report that your heart health may be at risk if your measurement is over 31.5 inches for women, or 37 inches for men.
8. You Have Lots Of Healthy Friends

Part of enjoying life is sharing it with other people. Of course, some people like social interaction more than others, but studies show that social butterflies tend to live longer.
Psychology Today even says that people who spend time with other people and nourishing relationships live longer, healthier lives. Better yet, relationships become easier to maintain and more meaningful with age and maturity.
Be sure to SHARE this information with your loved ones who you want around for the long haul!