With the number of reality competitions there are on TV, it's hard to tell who is actually trying to make it and who just wants their 15 minutes of fame.
Ever since William Hung was first on American Idol, the number of laughably bad auditions has quadrupled. It seems like if a person doesn't think they're good enough to make it, they're going to be as bad as they can.
Most of the time, these bad auditions are more cringeworthy than anything. It's hard to understand why networks even show them! But then a bad audition comes up that just makes you laugh, and you realize why they show the bad auditions.
As The X Factor continues its audition phase, people are coming from all over to see if they can make it to the next round. Simon Cowell has predictably seen it all already, after nearly two decades of being a reality TV judge, but that doesn't mean an audition can't surprise him.
When Abiola Allicock graced the stage, she told Simon and the other judges she wanted to go all the way and stay on The X Factor forever. If they need someone to make Simon laugh, I'm sure they'll call her back.
When she starts her audition, the judges think she's going to sing, but then she starts an odd mix of humming and throating singing that has Simon in tears. He can't stop laughing! He tries to hide it at first, but the audition is too funny to not just burst into laughter.
If you enjoyed Simon's reaction to this audition, then you will also love this contestant's audition that left all of the judges and audience members in tears after he sang a song he wrote about his brother's death.
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