New Zealand hair stylist and makeup artist Simone Anderson dropped almost 200 lbs in 11 months. But, when she proudly showed off her massive weight loss on Facebook, she received many comments from people doubting her accomplishment.
Despite months of documenting her health regime on her Facebook page — titled “Simone's Journey to Health” — some users called her a “fake” and a “liar.”
Like the Old Navy customer who bashed body shamers in a powerful way, Anderson also sent a message to her haters. She shared a photo of loose skin on her stomach, which often occurs when a person loses an excessive amount of weight.
“Throughout my whole journey I have tried to be so honest about the whole experience and tell people it exactly as it's happened so to be called a fake hurt a lot. And then when it came to posting about my lose skin well that was equally as tough. So here we go I hope this helps all the ‘non believers,’” she wrote under the photo on Sunday.
Her new post received tons of positive comments from users who called her an inspiration and told her to ignore the negative remarks.
“[You’re] amazing and have done an amazing job! Don't worry about what other think or say! You have come so far and should be so proud of yourself. You know the truth and that's all that matters!” one user wrote.
Now Anderson also plans to undergo surgery to remove the excess skin with the help of an online funding page.
See her photos below and please SHARE with your friends!
Simone Anderson proudly showed off her incredible weight loss on social media.

The New Zealand hair stylist and makeup artist lost almost 200 lbs in 11 months.

Yet, her latest Facebook photo shown below, was met with much criticism from people who didn't believe she actually lost all that weight.

In turn, she proved them wrong with this photo and a powerful message.

"I don't [know] why but every single comment that called me out for being fake and a liar really bothered me far more than it should. I think it's because it took hours of crying and debating whether to share my story online and for others to see, posting the first picture online along with my weight for the world to see what the hardest thing I have ever done. Throughout my whole journey I have tried to be so honest about the whole experience and tell people it exactly as it's happened so to be called a fake hurt a lot. And then when it came to posting about my lose skin well that was equally as tough. So here we go I hope this helps all the 'non believers,'" she wrote.
Please SHARE her daring message with your friends!