I, like most Americans, live for Saturday. It's the perfect day to catch up on sleep, tidy up my apartment, and try out those nifty crafts I've bookmarked throughout the week. But a weekend wouldn't be truly complete if I didn't tune in to NBC at exactly 11:30pm. Armed with a glass of wine and a bowl of popcorn, my hectic week becomes a thing of the past.
For 40 years now, Saturday Night Live has been bringing us 93 minutes of laughter with their talented casts and hilarious scripts. And to celebrate their 40th year on the air, SNL recently paid homage to the talent that's graced their stage — and the rigorous auditions they had to endure to get there!
This behind-the-scenes footage is no less hilarious than their original SNL material. Watching it, it's no surprise that these performers were cast! And what a treat to see the young faces of SNL greats like Chevy Chase, John Belushi, and Dan Aykroyd!
Please SHARE if you got a kick out of these hilarious audition tapes!