Two women in two different states recently caught on camera the good deeds of two American soldiers.
The first story takes place in Topeka, Kansas. Tammra Bose was stopped at a light on the highway when she noticed a car pull over on the ramp. Out of the vehicle stepped a man in military fatigues who then approached a lone homeless man sitting on a bucket, his belongings scattered around him on the grass. Tammra couldn't hear their conversation, but it was clear this soldier sat down with the man out of the kindness of his heart. He kept him company, if only for a few minutes. "I would love for the world to see this picture because it is worth more than a thousand words," she told 13 NEWS. "It is so heartwarming."
The second story takes place in Augusta, Georgia, at a busy six-lane intersection. As cars rushed by in a hurry, Tammi Dekle was struggling to cross the street in order to make catch the bus. Tammi has diabetes, neuropathy, cataracts, and glaucoma, and she uses a wheelchair.
On this particular day, Tammi's wheelchair got stuck in the median, and because of her health issues, she could barely see. Countless cars whizzed by — either drivers couldn't see her in their blind spot, or they willingly ignored this helpless woman. But then one man — a soldier in uniform — pulled over, got out of his vehicle and proceeded to push Tammi's wheelchair safely through the dangerous intersection. A woman named Athena witnessed the entire scene. "I had to snap a picture and share the kindness of this soldier," she wrote on Facebook.
After the soldier's identity was revealed, something incredible happened between him and Tammi…
Image via Tammra Bose
Tammra witnessed a soldier sit down with a homeless man on the side of the highway. Touched by the simple yet powerful gesture, she immediately posted her photo on Facebook's "VETERANS FOR VETERANS & THOSE WHO SUPPORT US!" page.

"On my way home today i seen this on the on ramp. I was so touched to see this Soldier get out of his car and go sit down and start talking to this homeless man. We need more of this in this world we live in. I just wanted to share this picture with everybody.
This picture is truly worth more than a thousand words."
Athena watched as a soldier helped a frightened woman stuck in her wheelchair at a busy median. Her photo instantly went viral, spurring an amazing reunion between the soldier and the woman he helped.

"I pulled up to the light and saw this soldier running across Deans Bridge Rd. I then saw this lady in the wheelchair struggling to get across a very busy street! The soldier pulled his car over on the side of the road, ran across traffic to help this lady across the street! But he didn't just help her across the street. He pushed her to the little row of apartments a little further down the road.
With so much hate and crap going on in the world, I had to snap a picture and share the kindness of this soldier!"