As women, we all know pretty much when we’re supposed to get our periods. We know to wear our “period panties,” and can expect to feel bloated and uncomfortable for a few days. While the amount of time a period lasts and how heavy it is varies from woman to woman, we pretty much know the ABCs by now. So, when we notice spotting before or after our period, it may raise a red flag (no pun intended).
We want to know which lady gods we angered, as we have to deal with a light shower before the storm rages, or just when we thought the storm had passed. While spotting may indicate a health issue, there are also many non-alarming reasons why it happens. Sometimes you may think you’re spotting when it’s actually just a light period.
Below are reasons why you may be spotting before or after your period. As always, if something doesn’t feel right, call your doctor rather than self-diagnosing.
Thumbnail Photo: Flickr / Farid Iqbal
Spotting Vs. Period
Is it the opening act or the main event? Before you can determine if you’re spotting or having your period, it’s important to know the difference. According to the Mayo Clinic, spotting before or after your period means that there are small amounts of sporadic blood that you’ll notice. This also happens when you were not expecting your regular monthly cycle. Getting your period is pretty obvious. You already know around the time it’s going to happen, and it’s going to be heavier and more consistent.
Brown Spotting Before Or After Period
When you are spotting before your period or after it, you should pay attention to the color of the blood. If it is brown, it could be a sign of a condition called polycystic ovarian syndrome, menopause, or an infection, according to Healthline.
Pink Spotting Before Or After Period
For some women, light spotting can be due to ovulation, according to the American Pregnancy Association. Pink spotting before your period can also be a sign of implantation bleeding and could mean that you’re pregnant, according to the Mayo Clinic. A visit to your doctor is your best bet to get a definite answer.
What Can Cause Spotting Before Your Period?
There are several reasons why you may spot before your period. While you’ll want to consult your doctor to determine the specific reason why, here are several common reasons.
1. Pregnancy

According to the American Pregnancy Association, spotting may be an early sign of pregnancy. Many women may think they’re spotting, but it may actually be implantation bleeding. Sometimes when the fertilized egg attaches to the inner lining of the uterus, some minor bleeding occurs. This usually happens 10 to 14 days after conception. Experts tell the Mayo Clinic this is normal.
2. Birth Control

While some women take birth control to stop abnormal bleeding, the pill has been known to also cause spotting, according to the Mayo Clinic. If your doctor determines this is the reason for your spotting, you may need to try a different birth control pill or method to find the one that works best for you with minimal or no side effects.
3. Stress

Everyone’s body reacts to stress in different ways. For you, it may be spotting before your period. This happens because stress can cause a spike in the hormone cortisol, according to Shape. This in turn lessens the release of progesterone and estrogen, which can lead to spotting or irregular periods.
4. Menopause

Many women who are starting to go through menopause experience spotting before their period, according to the Mayo Clinic.
What Can Cause Spotting After Your Period?
You thought you were in the clear for another month or so. You got your pretty panties out of hiding. Then it happens: You start spotting after your period. As with spotting before your period, stress and birth control pills can play a role. There are some other things to also look at.
1. Ovulation

WebMD reports that sudden changes in hormone levels can cause spotting when you ovulate.
2. Ovarian Cysts

According to the New York Times, ovarian cysts can cause bleeding once your period is over. While many cysts form on the ovaries and cause no problems, sometimes they get very big, rupture, and cause bleeding. If you’re having pelvic pain or bloating, or if you suspect you have an ovarian cyst, call your doctor right away.
3. Hypothyroidism

Spotting a week or more after your period stopped could be a sign of hypothyroidism, which occurs when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough of a special hormone to make your body run normally, according to the American Thyroid Association. This can lead to problems with your cycle, WebMD reports.
4. Other Issues

There are several other issues that may be causing you to spot after your period, and maybe even before. According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, fibroids, polyps, bleeding disorders, and other medical problems could be to blame. Your best bet is to see your doctor so he or she can run some tests and get to the bottom of your spotting.
If you know of a woman who is experiencing spotting before or after her period, be sure to SHARE this information with her.