I almost never make health-related resolutions on January 1. The reason is that it's the dead of winter, and no matter what I do, they don't last. It's cold and icky out, and I just want to settle in with some cookie dough and a good book until spring. Sorry not sorry.
The reason I don't feel all that guilty about it is because I know that as soon as spring rolls around, I get an extra pep in my step. I don't have to work as hard to motivate myself, because the warm weather does it for me. And not only do I have an easier time being active, I also naturally want to eat healthier! I start cooking with more vegetables and start buying tons of fruit.
I also have more energy all around. Thanks, vitamin D! Whatever the reason — the warmer weather or the general vibe of spring — it's an easier time for me to get healthy. This year I'm totally embracing the season and making some health resolutions.
1. I'm eating less meat.
I'm not a huge meat eater, but I do love an occasional burger or some chicken fajitas. But the thing is, I know there are much healthier ways to prepare my meals. It just takes a bit of effort. So, this spring, aside from a very occasional meaty meal, I'm sticking to plant-based meals and fish. Not only will it help to reduce my calorie intake, it's good for the heart to eat less meat.
2. I'm tracking my activity.
I'm really not sure why I've never tracked my activity before. I guess I just thought it was some new-age trend that didn't serve any real purpose other than vanity. But the truth is, tracking my activity — like how far I walk, how many steps I take, and how many calories I'm burning — automatically makes me want to do more. Yesterday, I walked a few extra blocks just to get my steps in. And it's so simple to do. I'm using Google Fit — a free smartphone app.
3. I'm having some alcohol-free days.
One of my fitness downfalls is that I drink at least one glass of wine most nights. While I believe that alcohol is fine in moderation, when I'm trying to work on my fitness, there's no denying that it can totally derail my goals. Instead of swearing off alcohol altogether, I'm focusing on having a couple of nights a week where I don't have any wine. I substitute my nightly glass or two with a glass of kombucha or something bubbly but low-calorie to take the edge off. It seems to be doing the trick!
4. I'm taking note of anxiety-related behaviors.
I struggle with anxiety that creeps up on me from time to time. And it can be tough to combat when it happens out of the blue. But lately, I've started taking notice of the detrimental things I tend to do when I'm feeling anxious — like excessively dwelling or worrying. Taking note of those behaviors and starting to avoid them has become a good way to improve my mental health and begin to find new ways of navigating my anxiety, like taking deep breaths, finding a healthy distraction, and simply sitting with the feeling until it passes.
5. I'm getting up a tiny bit earlier.
No one needs to tell me to get to bed early. I'm pretty much in bed every night at 9 o'clock, after I put my youngest child to sleep. I might not fall asleep myself right away, but I'm exhausted and ready to be in my bed. I do struggle to get out of bed with enough time to feel relaxed in the morning, however. So I'm focusing on getting up just 15 minutes earlier so that I don't feel rushed. It's definitely easier this time of year when it's not freezing cold out, and having the extra time in the morning helps me start my day in a positive frame of mind.
6. I'm drinking tons of water.
I love drinking water. It's such a simple thing to do that makes you feel good. So many times, we rush through our day and forget to do it. But dehydration is the cause of so many minor health issues, like headaches and fatigue. In order to avoid that afternoon slump, I'm making sure to drink a glass of water every hour. And after my evening workout, I rehydrate. Drinking a lot of water also helps me to eat less, because many times when we overeat, we're actually just thirsty!
7. I'm walking the dog, rain or shine.
My dog is super old, and he really doesn't care about going on walks. He'd be happy to go out back and lie in the sun — or never leave the couch. But making sure I walk him every day is still good for him, and it helps me take some extra steps, too. Taking a short midday break to take him on a walk helps me to reset for the afternoon, as well. It's good for my mood, and probably my pup's!
8. I'm arming myself with quality exercise gear.
I've had the same pair of running shoes for ages. It's no wonder the bottoms of my feet as covered in calluses! It can be easy to not worry about having the best exercise shoes. After all, it's not a fashion show. But experts say you should switch up your running shoes every six months. I just bought a new pair, and I have to say, that springtime pep in my step is even more apparent now. These shoes are totally going to take me the extra mile!