News Anchor Fires Back At Bullies Who Ridiculed Her ‘Lumpy’ Body

There's no doubt about it. New anchors and anyone who is going to appear on television will be faced with a wide amount of scrutiny. While constructive criticism is to be expected, it's important to ask: why should those on TV or anyone else for that matter not only expect but tolerate bullying? Stacey Skrysak is a news anchor with WICS. Like meteorologist Katie Fehlinger, for years she has put up with people making fun of her weight and appearance. The mother has recently penned a letter to those bullies on Her View from Home. In it, the mother talks about one of the most heartbreaking things that has ever happened to her — the loss of two of her triplets — and why she is just fine with how her body looks.

"It's been a difficult few years for my family, going through the loss of two of our triplets," Stacey told LittleThings. "But I'm honored to be able to use my voice to help others and be a role model to my daughter and other women."

See Stacey's story below…

Facebook / Stacey Skrysak

"You have to grow a thick skin when you work in the television news business… Just this week, a viewer commented on a story I covered about a program teaching families how to cook healthy meals. Instead of remarking on the video, the viewer looked at my headshot and wrote, 'She looks like she eats healthy,' adding an emoticon to show that he was being sarcastic."

Facebook / Stacey Skrysak

"While he didn’t flat out tell me, 'you are fat,' he implied it, and it’s not the first time I’ve heard that. People get creative when they want to criticize, using words like 'lumpy' to describe my figure. Instead of the word ugly, I’ve been told that I have 'below average looks.'"

Facebook / Stacey Skrysak

"I know that I am not a blonde supermodel and I know that I’m not considered 'thin,' but I’m healthy, and that’s what matters… In the past 5 years, I’ve endured several surgeries, carried triplets, and recovered after nearly dying following the birth of my children. I’d say my body is pretty amazing!"

Facebook / Stacey Skrysak

Sadly, Stacey lost two of her triplets, Abby and Parker, who were born premature. While this mother was morning the loss of her children and her body was recovering from what she had endured — people were commenting on her appearance.

Facebook / Stacey Skrysak

"I thought of my daughter, Peyton, an innocent toddler who thinks the world of me. I didn’t grow up with the internet at my fingertips, yet that is all my daughter will know. People can easily hide behind their computer screen and throw out hurtful words, all while staying anonymous. And to be honest, it scares me…

Every morning as we brush our teeth, I hold Peyton in front of the mirror. We look at our reflections and Peyton smiles as I tell her she’s beautiful. It’s never too early to start teaching our children to love themselves."

Please SHARE Stacey's important message if you think every body is beautiful!