There is no better barometer for the passage of time than seeing the results of over a decade of coffee addiction manifest in a hideous stain on one of your teeth.
It would almost be better if all my teeth were a uniform brown color. But since most of my whitish, yellowish teeth bear a startling contrast to the cardboard-colored little guy on the bottom row, that dude sticks out like a sore thumb.
I am all for marching to the beat of your own drum and all that, but when it comes to teeth, it's better that they're uniform little soldiers.
My teeth are crooked enough as it is — we don't need anymore misfits! That's why, when I discovered an inexpensive, alleged solution, the Staino Tooth Stain Remover, I decided to give it a go. Much to my surprise, it kind of worked.

Hey, it’s me: your friendly neighborhood Emerald. From afar, my smile looks totally normal. However, up close…

My goodness — look at those crooked, multicolored teeth. It’s like the United Colors of Benetton up in there! You can blame my mother for those misaligned suckers. She didn’t get me braces because she thought they would be too painful.
Beauty is pain, Mother!
The crookedness of my teeth has been carefully documented, though, and I don’t really care much about that. It’s the stain on my bottom tooth that truly irks me.

I drink a lot of coffee — a lot. I am not surprised that my teeth show the signs of that, but I am surprised at how difficult it is to remove a coffee stain from one tooth.
The trouble is, no matter how many fancy whitening, brightening toothpastes I use, the method lightens all of your teeth. So even if it is lightening the stain, the stain will always look relatively darker. I needed a more targeted product.
What Is The Staino Tooth Stain Eraser?

Enter the Staino Tooth Stain Eraser. It’s $8.99 on Amazon and has some pretty glowing reviews.
“Simply amazing. I was honestly shocked at how quickly this removed nicotine and caffeine stains from my teeth. Was ready to go get a professional cleaning as I didn’t want to smile and show my fronts, but this took care of it on [sic] less than 1 minute,” one reviewer wrote.
What The Product Claims To Do

This product is described as “like a pencil eraser for tooth stains!”
On other parts of the packaging, it claims to be “clinically proven” to work — though they don’t cite or list any studies. I imagined that if stains could be removed as easily as erasing pencil marks, this product would be far more popular and famous. Needless to say, I was skeptical.
The Staino Tooth Stain Remover In All Its Glory

The tiny gadget comes with a dull end to erase stains on the face of the tooth and a pointed end to get rid of stains in between teeth.
The Experiment Using The Pointed End Of The Staino Tooth Stain Remover

The pointed end should be used to get in between those cracks and crevices.
Using The Dull End Of The Staino Tooth Stain Remover

The dull end should be rubbed on the tooth like an “eraser.” When I first began to use this product, I was convinced it didn’t work. I noticed no difference at all, so I decided to use it for another week.
While it says you can remove the stain in one go, the thought of sitting there and sanding my tooth made me a little concerned about my enamel. So every night for a week I used the tool for a few minutes before bed.
The Final Results

This is how my stained tooth looked after a week. At first, I was pretty convinced this product didn’t work.
Before And After

Then, I compared photos of my tooth on the last day of this trial to a photo from the first day. I’d say it’s a pretty noticeable difference. It’s not completely gone, but I’d say there’d be a significant difference if I continued to use this product for, say, another three weeks. I will give the Staino Tooth Stain Eraser 3 out of 4 stars.
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