He Asks A Genius What He Thinks Of One Direction… His Response? I’m In Stitches!

Though there's still so much that’s unknown about our universe, we certainly have an incredible amount of knowledge for which to thank theoretical physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking.

Hawking’s been praised for his contributions to cosmology in unifying quantum mechanics and Einstein’s theory of relativity in order to better understand the beginnings and end of our known universe. Giving a presentation at the Sydney Opera House in Australia, Hawking took questions from the audience.

One fan cheekily wrote in, “What do you think is the cosmological effect of Zayn leaving One Direction and consequently breaking the hearts of millions of teenage girls across the world?” For those unfamiliar, One Direction is a boy band that frequently invokes shrieks and screams from teenage girls not unlike those of Justin Bieber fans.

Given that Hawking has an incredible sense of humor despite his ongoing battle with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), he answers with his signature wit and charm.

“Finally,” he jokes, “a question about something important."

His advice to her? Pay close attention to the study of theoretical physics, because in another dimension, he never left One Direction at all. And in another, they may very well even be married! At this point, his crowd erupts into laughter.

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