The subject of makeup is different for every woman. Some people love it and see it as an empowering way to enhance their appearance, while others would rather skip the cosmetics aisle altogether.
My relationship with makeup has changed a lot over the years. My middle school had a strict no-makeup policy. Bronzer was the forbidden fruit and, like Eve, my friends and I could not resist temptation.
In retrospect, I understand why we were so often given makeup wipes and sent to the bathroom to remove our over-the-top looks. It was one of many makeup mistakes I would make over the years.
The tides have changed since then, and now my morning routine involves applying as little makeup as possible before deeming myself fit for appearing in public.
Deep down, I know that my minimalistic makeup routine doesn't look any different than my naked face. So why do I bother putting it on at all?
It turns out that there may be more reasons to skip my makeup routine than there are to keep it.
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1. Your Pores Will Shrink

Pores are the tiny openings on the surface of our skin that allow things like air and liquids to pass through.
When you apply makeup, it's your pores that eventually absorb the substance. According to Face Reality Acne Clinic, there is an extremely long list of ingredients found in makeup that have pore-clogging qualities.
When your pores are clogged, they get bigger in order to increase surface area for absorption. So when you stop wearing makeup, it gives them a chance to shrink back to their natural state, almost eliminating the need for makeup in the first place!
2. You Can Stop Worrying About Mishaps

One downside of wearing makeup is having to be aware of the fact that it might get messed up.
I've accidentally rubbed eyeliner and mascara all over my face on multiple occasions, only to discover hours later that I look like a raccoon.
If you stop wearing makeup, you can also stop worrying about that lipstick on your tooth or your foundation line being obvious.
3. You'll Have More Time

My makeup routine is completely dependent on what time I wake up in the morning.
Often, I would rather take 10 more minutes to sleep than make sure that my eyeliner looks even.
If you skip the makeup, you can spend the time doing something more productive, like a morning jog or even just a few extra minutes with the crossword puzzle.
4. You'll Have More Money

I don't have to be the one to tell you how expensive makeup can be. Even drugstore brands aren't always budget-friendly.
Depending on your makeup habits, you could save hundreds or even thousands of dollars a year if you stopped buying it altogether.
Just think of all the things you could buy instead!
5. You'll Embrace Your Flaws

Makeup is awesome for hiding flaws like acne, scars, or discoloration. It is really amazing to have a plan B when things go wrong.
On the other hand, it can be incredibly empowering and confidence-building to stop hiding your imperfections and learn to love them.
In fact, "flaws" are often the things that make us most unique and are admired by others.
6. You'll Save Animals

Most of us can confidently call ourselves animal lovers. Unfortunately, many of the products we buy are subject to animal testing, and we're supporting their efforts without even knowing.
PETA estimates that millions of rodents, rabbits, primates, cats, and even dogs are locked up in laboratories as we speak.
Worse yet, they are having chemicals tested on them that may not even be safe. Cosmetics are a huge part of animal testing. By holding off on buying makeup, you can help save the animals involved.
7. Your Skin Will Improve

As previously mentioned, wearing makeup can clog your pores and actually make them bigger and more unsightly.
Using makeup, especially the wrong type, can also cause or even worsen symptoms of acne according to the American Academy of Dermatology.
While you might want to use makeup to cover up your breakouts, it might be what is causing them in the first place — or even making it worse.
8. You'll Put Fewer Chemicals In Your Body

As with nearly every product today, makeup is full of chemicals. However, extra care should always be taken when it comes to products that you put in and on your body.
The journal of Environmental Health Perspectives explains that makeup is among many personal care products that lack safety data and are thought to be linked to reproductive and developmental toxicants.
Exposing yourself to toxins is something that should be avoided as much as possible. By ditching the makeup, you will help to reduce the amount of uncertain material absorbed by your pores into your body.
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