Two teenage girls almost lost their lives after being caught in an aggressive current in Lake Michigan.
“It was like someone had a rope around my waist. It was like someone was pulling me. I was screaming for help and I know no one could hear me,” Jozalin Francis told WZZM-TV over the weekend. “I thought I was going to die at that moment."
That’s when surfer Zebulon Boeskool came to the rescue. Like the lifeguard who saved a young girl from deadly current in Australia, Boeskool put his life in danger to save the 13-year-old. In the meantime, another swimmer managed to save Francis’ 14-year-old friend.
But, even Boeskool, an experienced swimmer, found himself struggling to stay afloat in the current. Massive waves were also crashing over his head making it even more difficult to hold Francis. The father of two believes he was able to make it through thanks to some extra swimming equipment: his flippers.
“You can get pulled out really, really, really quick and people don’t realize it,” he said. “Swimming against that current as an experienced swimmer is tough. …The second those waves get you, they’ll toss you and throw you.”
See the incredible video below and please SHARE to make people aware of the danger of swimming in rough waters!