What’s that old adage about making the best of the hand we’re dealt? Something about lemons and juice?
That’s probably most applicable in this incredible video of a group of surfer friends in Hawaii who decide the swell isn’t to their liking. If you can’t find waves, a wise man (maybe? or woman?) once said "make your own" …Right? Well, something like that anyway.
These fellas spend the better part of the morning shoveling, scooping, and shifting sand to create a small canal before the tide moves in. When the water begins filling the narrow space they’ve carved out of the beach and the ocean fills it — BOOM! Instant waves!
And it’s actually pretty impressive how they manage to manipulate Mother Nature into gifting them with a kind of pseudo-wave. It’s a little difficult to explain precisely how they manage it, but you can witness how all of this unfolds in the video below!
Now, these guys might not be conquering the current like this tiny surfer, six-year-old Quincy Symonds, aka “the Flying Squirrel,” but she’s something of a surf prodigy from what we we've gathered. Also, where she’s from (Australia), the swells make themselves, so we’ll cut these guys a break this time.
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