Love was in the air for this couple, both of whom are members of the United States Air Force.
When Staff Sergeant Joaquin Wooten returned from his second tour in Afghanistan, he was happier than ever to be home. He also knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with his girlfriend, Staff Sergeant Monica Cantre. The couple met at an Air Force base in New Mexico before being shipped to different bases, and Cantre had also served in Afghanistan.
“We bring out the best in one another,” Wooten told KVOA.
When planning his proposal, Wooten decided he wanted to make it special. He told both of their families, and family members flew from all over the United States to be there when he popped the question.
It worked, and Wooten pulled of an amazing surprise. Cantre had no idea that a proposal was coming, and she had no idea that the families were there either. Clearly, she said yes!
Surprise proposals are just the best. This soldier combined two amazing surprises when he proposed to his girlfriend, and did so on a surprise return trip home. This firefighter proposed to his teacher girlfriend in front of her whole class – and when she was wearing a fire suit.
The one below is just as sweet from another amazing couple.
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