Usually we hear about students being publicly shamed for what they're wearing, but very rarely do we ever read stories about teachers coming under the harsh scrutiny of internet users everywhere!
Paris Monroe is a top-level educator who takes an incredible amount of pride in her job. Teaching fourth-grade students at her elementary school, this woman was even awarded "educator of the month," so you can be sure that she knows what she's doing when it comes to teaching our nation's future.
But for whatever reason, this woman's body has become a subject of speculation by many. Monroe is a bit curvier than most women, and thus any dress she wears has the tendency to be a bit more form-fitting and hugs those curves. Naturally, she could go purchase a dress several sizes too big for her, but many believe she shouldn't have to do that if she doesn't want to.
These "tight dresses" she's been wearing have now sparked a debate on whether or not her clothes are appropriate to be wearing around students in an elementary school.
While many people are saying she should be wearing something more conservative, others are pointing out that her collar is high up to her neck, her dress isn't short, and she's actually covering over 75 percent of her entire body, therefore, anyone who deems her dress inappropriate is simply deeming her body inappropriate.
Take a look at some of her pictures below and some responses from both sides of the debate and please let us know what you would think if you were a parent of a student in her class!

Paris Monroe is well-known at her school for challenging her students to be the best that they can be. In a job that rarely gets the respect that it deserves, this woman approaches every single day with passion and energy to teach her students as much as she can.
But lately, she's been getting some flak for her choices in clothing. While she hasn't been getting any official complaints from her school or parents, she's beginning to "go viral" on Twitter and Facebook.

Some people are deeming her dress choices inappropriate for an elementary school atmosphere, saying that she should simply purchase dresses that are bigger for her size.

"Curvy women" have long been forced to deal with this issue. If a woman with curves is wearing the exact same thing as a woman with less defined hips or bust, she'll often be sexualized much more than her less-curvy counterparts.
Many curvier women in business settings have brought up this fact, but it's often ignored.

It seems that no matter what Monroe does she'll be either sparking controversy due to her body type, or if she chooses to get a larger-size dress she might not feel as confident in herself!

Thankfully, a huge amount of supporters came in and defended Monroe. While some people will certainly see it as wrong, there isn't much she'll ever be able to do to change their minds. It's not her fault she was born with curves like that, and nor should she even see it as a fault to begin with!
All that matters is that she continues to do her job well, teach her students the best that she can, and make sure that no one gets hurt!

And as an educator of the month, something tells us that she's going to keep doing what she feels is correct, and focus on the things that really matter: her students' education!
Please SHARE this story and let us know if you think her dress is too tight or if this isn't an issue at all to begin with!