She Took An Old Teddy Bear And Made The BEST Thing For Her Dog!

I would like for my home to be invaded by 5,000 cuties wearing this hand-crafted costume.

Meet the teddy bear dog. We're not talking about a pup who merely resembles a teddy bear – we're talking about a pup who literally embodies this childhood favorite.

We've brought you cute doggies before – but this one takes the cake.

Turns out, your dog can achieve the teddy bear look in a few simple steps:

  1. Find an old teddy bear

  2. Create this epic costume

  3. Somehow convince your pup to cooperate and not chew up the entire thing

Munchkin the Shih Tzu was cool with it... But would YOUR dog be game to give it a try?


A still of pure perfection:


Cindy (Munchkin's mom) actually included some very specific instructions for building out the Teddy costume on her Youtube page: “Measure your dog in the front from feet to top of head (Munchkin is 14”). Buy a teddy bear in similar color to your dog in their size (I got hers on Amazon for $30). Cut the face off, cut the bottom of the feet off, cut open the back. Take all the stuffing out except for the arms. Bear only goes on front part of their body/legs and back half is exposed. Put a string or velcro through the back behind the neck to tie/close. The bear’s arms hung down, so I sewed them up a bit higher so they stuck out to sides more instead of hanging down. Took me maybe 15 minutes to make!”

Happy crafting!!
