I think shoveling snow might be one of my least favorite chores. Not only can it be back-breaking work if the snow drifts are especially large, but it can be quite time-consuming as well. And if there's snow on the ground, that means it's probably frigid outside.
So, yeah. Shoveling snow might be my least favorite thing ever.
Of course, I shouldn't be complaining. I'm a young man in my late twenties, so it's relatively easy for me to handle the task compared to, for example, a senior citizen.
Now place yourself in the shoes of 18-year-told Tommy Adams. Tommy's a high school senior who probably has the normal interests and priorities of any boy his age: dates, graduating, and getting ready to be an adult. Imagine that, like Tommy, you're driving with your mom from the DMV when you see a figure off in the distance shoveling snow. The closer you get, the more the figure comes into focus.
You see that this person shoveling snow appears to be an elderly man who has placed his walker to the side so he can handle his shovel, and he's struggling as he attempts to shovel the snow.
Would you keep driving past, or would you stop to help the man? And what would you guess someone like Tommy would do?
Find out in the video below, and please SHARE if you believe in the importance of performing acts of kindness for each other!