Florida Teen Wins Homecoming Queen, Then Cops Learn Her Mom Allegedly Rigged The Votes

In October 2020, 17-year-old Emily Rose Grover proudly stood in front of her classmates on the football field at Tate High School in Florida.

Emily had just been crowned the homecoming queen. She could not have looked happier there with her crown, sash, and big bouquet of flowers.

In fact, it looked as though Emily had been dreaming of this moment. But as it turned out, her dream was too good to be true.

After the homecoming event, school officials noticed something strange about the system used to cast the votes for the queen: Over 100 of the votes came from the exact same IP address, and they were all entered into the system at around the same time.

As an official investigation began, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement realized a whole bunch of student accounts had been accessed without the proper authorization and the homecoming vote had somehow been rigged.

As it turned out, Emily's own mother — Laura Rose Carroll — was the assistant principal at a local elementary school.

Watch the video to see why Laura and Emily are now being accused of rigging the votes just so Emily could win the crown.