The Department of Motor Vehicles, or the DMV, can be the source of a lot of anger for a lot of people.
There are tons of things in our everyday lives that cause frustration. Waiting in lines is one of them. Paperwork can be another one of them. Anxiety-inducing testing could be yet another. What happens when you put them all together? You get the beloved Department of Motor Vehicles.
Whether you're trying to pass a driver license test, renew your license, or just simply sort out some paperwork, you should be ready to dedicate at least a few hours to the task. According to these Reddit users, at the DMV, even the simplest things can potentially turn into a huge production.
Of course, each department will be different, and there are plenty that run smoothly with workers who are cheery and efficient. But, when you stumble upon a bad DMV story? It can be really, really bad. The following 11 tales about experiences with the DMV may just have you nodding "yes, I know exactly how they feel."
Have you had any horrifying, infuriating, or mind-numbing experiences with the DMV? Or have your DMV experiences always been easy and enjoyable? Let us know in the comments and please SHARE with friends and family!
[H/T: Reddit]
Thumbnail source: Flickr / Dave Winer

"DMV in Texas — went there because it was small, they said; no lines, they said; in and out, they said. It was small, that was true, but there was a massive line. Because it was small that line was all outside with no air conditioning, and that day was about 102 degrees. Yay!" — Meowmerson

"Lady: Sir your eyes aren’t blue.
Me: I have two different eye colors. One is brown. The other is blue. I selected blue because that’s what most people think my eyes are unless they get very close to me.
Lady: That’s impossible. No one has two different colored eyes.
Me: Miss it’s called Heterochromia.
Lady: Those are colored contacts sir. Please remove them." — Jalopnik

"She walks back and says we can’t register your vehicle because it's from a foreign country and there needs to be verification of my documents. I was surprised and a little angry so I said, in a slightly raised voice, "No! New Mexico is not a foreign country, get your supervisor!"" — Jalopnik

"Failed my "written" test the first time because the touchscreen failed. I went to hit "D", nothing happened. I hit "D" again to input my answer. Then I hit "D" a few more times.
"It jumped ahead to the end, recorded "D" for all remaining answers on the test and I failed." — Jalopnik

"The state never lets me know that that my license is suspended.
"They pulled it in September. I found out about it in March." — Jalopnik

"When I was 16 and got my permit, the lady told me "Don't get too excited kid, you still have to pass the damn test."" — Phillyfan10

"I had to wait approximately six months to get a valid license because they mistyped my information. When I finally received one with the correct spelling, they got my address wrong." — Jalopnik

"I went to the DMV in the early '90s, and it was every bit like the movies. Long line that I waited in for 45 minutes, just to be given a number and told to sit on a bench. Sat there for another 30 minutes, then finally my number was called. Worker was a sassy-ass state worker who was more concerned about what she was getting from Mac-donalds (her pronunciation) than helping me." — Arch27

"I used to live in Michigan. When I went to change my ID over to a MI license, the lady on the other side of the counter didn't believe me that NY is a state. She thought my ID was fake and had to get her superior to explain to her that NY is, in fact, not just a city…." — Reddit user

"Me: But, as a resident of the state, I will have to drive illegally because you won't issue me a license. Can I get something in writing that states there is an investigation going on?
DMV: No.
Me: So what am I supposed to do now?
DMV: Call this number and don't get pulled over." — Jalopnik

"I went to renew my license. Also, I had forgotten about an old ticket and had a warrant. I got slowly and peacefully arrested by an 85-year-old man. Had to send my brother to get bail money." — Sqrlkillr
None of these instances are how I'd want to spend an afternoon, especially the last one! I guess you can say that the moral of the story is to not go to the DMV when there is a warrant out for your arrest. Or, you could just make an appointment and make sure your paperwork is in order.
Have you had any horrifying, infuriating, or mind-numbing experiences with the DMV? Or have all your visits been easy and pleasant? Let us know in the comments and please SHARE with friends and family!
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.