Unless we are lucky enough to live in a secluded area with a nice, long driveway that removes us from society (ah, the dream), neighbors can be a huge problem.
Sure, neighbors can also be lovely people, and can even become some of our very best friends. It really all depends on how your lifestyles match together. Sometimes, though, we are vastly different people from our neighbors, and sometimes neighbors can be, well, a little wackadoo.
These 15 stories from neighbors range from simply annoying to flat-out nuts. Luckily, no one gets hurt in these tales, but some of them sure are creepy! I'm so glad that I haven't had any of this happen to me. The worst thing that happens in my apartment is when one of the neighbors cooks food that doesn't smell particularly yummy.
Have you ever had a neighbor as bad as the ones below? Maybe some repeat 3 a.m. partiers, or parents that let their pets come into your backyard and destroy your magnolia bushes?
Let us know your crazy stories in the comments. And please SHARE with family, friends… and neighbors!
Thumbnail source: Flickr

"I was cooking steak and bacon on the porch in the summer and they called the fire department once for the smoke." — Randrath

"Cop here. I went to a disturbance call where two neighbors were blowing leaves at each other with leaf blowers. They were actually mad while doing this." — jkorpela

"My neighbor cut the Cable with her garden sheers, I presume an argument over the bill. She wouldn't let the cable company in to repair it. So they had to bypass her house; my house and about 6 others had no TV, phone or internet for 8 days." — Bbrhuft

"Looked out of my window to see my neighbor leaning over my 6ft high fence, and stretching right into my yard to saw some of the main branches off my tree. My tree had never extended over the fence and her limb-hacking killed it.
"A few months later, she cut one of the wires attached to our boundary fence that was holding up a shade cloth in my backyard. I called the cops on her. And a couple of weeks later, all the plants along our boundary fence mysteriously died, and seriously damaged some of my trees…" — gadget_girl

"My parent's next-door neighbor (who is also my mother's cousin) sued them 3 or 4 times over property disputes and once because his adult son allegedly fell over a decorative rock to prevent said neighbor from parking on my parent's lawn. The guy's house has been condemned but they still live there." — princessaurus_rex

"When I was a baby the old lady who lived above us put a hose through the window into my cot." — gotn

"'Blower Dude' as the whole family refers to him. When we moved in he told my dad none of the neighbors got along with him (gee, wonder why) and then said since there were no deciduous trees on his property he would be blowing any leaves that fell into his yard over our fence.
"This guy used his leaf blower 4-5 times a day. He would spend hours carefully blowing the snow off his chain link fence while it was still snowing. Wanna sleep in? You'll have to make it through his two backyard passes before 10, so good luck." — Reddit user

"Our neighbor two houses down always comes sprinting out of his house to flip off the ice cream truck. It's pretty funny." — akantho

"Our neighbor complained to the HOA that my cat was staring at her." — elizardbreathjones

"The neighbors upstairs keep overflowing their washing machine which causes flooding in our house. Now I have anxiety whenever I hear water running." — crossyourheart

"Spends his nights peering into everyone's windows and yards from his windows or porch with his infrared goggles. Occasionally leaves notes like 'nice movie you were watching in your living room last night' on the mailboxes." — emlgsh

"The neighbor who stole our stuff all the time. I'm pretty sure she stole my first Nintendo DS. One day my mom was housesitting for her and she opened a cupboard and it was full of our stuff." — iammrsbug

"My friends and I started rollerblading and they started putting gravel and semi-large stones in the road. They once threw rocks at us while we were riding our bikes." — alecbrownbear

"Bagpipes. All. The. Time." — Avatar_ZW

"My house was yellow. My neighbor wouldn't stop complaining about how they hated the color. Then one time when I was away on a business trip, they had it painted white and tried to stick me with the bill." — The-Horse-Yeller
Have you ever had a terrible neighbor before? Let us know your story and please SHARE to see what your friends and family have to offer, too.
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.