This Lion Cub Learning To Roar Is The Cutest Thing You’ll See Today

Brace yourself for a cuteness overload, because nothing can compare to this!

Here at LittleThings, it's no secret that we're pretty big fans of tiny baby animals. Then again, who isn't?! I love human babies, but if I'm being honest, I'd rather play with a little one like this guy any day.

When it comes to baby animal videos, it's always extra adorable when they're trying new things for the first time or just kind of learning the ways of the world. As you can see in this video of a newborn beagle pup, and in the clip below, there's something especially satisfying about a baby letting out their first bark, howl, or roar.

Posted to the YouTube page Chubby-Fish with no background information, we see a baby lion cub who can't be older than just a few weeks. The little cutie pie is just learning how to find her stride and embrace her natural sound. I can't help but be reminded of the scene in The Lion King when little Simba tries desperately to howl like his father.

You can't help but smile at the adorable sound she makes when she tries to let it out!

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